
I'm Manish Kumar

I’m a software engineer specializing in frontend technologies, working and living in bangkok. I love Typescript and sometime write about my learnings on my blog.

About me

Hi my name is Manish and I am frontend developer who like to work on web. My love for programming started when I was working on a college project and was amazed by how quickly something small gives results instantly. After 10 years I am helping Brikl to create their product to have best user experience.

My experience

Senior software engineer - BRIKL

  • Working on homegrown 3D studio based on ThreeJS and Fabric
  • Created communication feature within app to save time of merchant and customers
  • Refactoring in-house liberaries to latest coding standards and principles

Software engineer - Taskworld

  • Worked on payment and subscriptions using external payment processing service, which help in scaling the product faster to other regions in world
  • Refactoring large code base from old convention to latest design pattern. which help to reduce the bundle size by 2MB, ultimately improved the web application loading speed
  • Wrote clean HTML and CSS code, integrating design, extensions and third-party apps according to web development plans

Senior consultant - Xebia

  • Translating UI designs to functional working screens
  • Designing, creating and maintaining reusable components in ReactJS
  • Writing unit test cases/Integration test cases and making them auto executed during deployment pipeline
  • Working with Agile focused team and getting things done based on everyday standup feedback
  • Application Dockerization and deployment cycle setup help with DevOps team